Polyscopic is an ongoing project from the Public Visualization Lab, that aims to combine multiple perspectives of different people into a screen. All of it is done in Unreal Engine as a prototype for a physical exhibition.

My role on this project was as a developer. I pretty much developed everything that is in it, the only thing I did not do were the 3D models. The initial goal was to build it in Unity and that was accomplished, but the lack of official support for online multiplayer in Unity was a roadblock, so the decision was made to change it to Unreal Engine.



Here you can see that as the player moves around the scene, the image in the screen right in front adjusts to the position of the player. This is to give the illusion that the user is looking out of a window.


And it is VR capable

Since covid hit we had to find out ways to test this concept without the need of a physical space just yet, therefore, making it a VR environment made a lot of sense.

And it is Online Multiplayer

In keeping with the social distancing reality I had to make it multiplayer so everyone on the team can jump in for testing purposes.


Runtime Changes Online

When online the player can change the blend mode that is applied to the screen, and this changes translates over the network.


Who Ate My Lunch? - Unreal Engine and OpenAI GPT-4


Visuomotor Experiment