Made in Unity3D
Visuomotor Experiment is a research experiment at York University meant to gain a better understanding on how the brain and body adapts to different types of visuomotor inputs.
The experiments can run in VR and non-VR.
Tool Task
This project level some parameters during runtime to test how the human subject adapts to such changes. This changes can range from changing the direction in which the participant was aiming the ball at to changing the behaviour of the tool being used altogether.
My role in this project was to design and implement the tools and their behaviour, ball behaviour, and implement parameter changes that happens at runtime. These parameter changes were designed to “confuse” the player to later ascertain how capable they are in changing tactics in order to achieve the goal of the task.
Localization & Reach Track
In this project my role was to design and implement the functionality of the ball, tracks, and arc.
The ball can randomly change direction in a already set pattern. This again is to gather information on how the player adapts to these changes, thus gaining information on how humans can adapt their sensorimotor functions depending on the situation.